
I am a proud

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Camino de los Volcanos

What a day we had yesterday! Sumajhuarmi (Paula) and I made a trip south from Quito to Ambato, Ecuador to meet with some Quichua friends. We had a great time with these guys. Today's blog isn't about geocaching as much as it is about the beautiful view of the many volcanos along the way. The weather was so good that I would have loved to have been climbing one of these mountains to place a cache somewhere. We don't get a day like this but once every two months or so. We saw the following snow-capped volcanos in our trip. I'm including pictures of some of them. First we saw Cayambe as we left home. It is actually to the northeast of Quito and we were traveling south. Then we saw shy Antisana, rarely outside of the clouds. Next we could see in the distance a volcano that we rarely see from Quito. We saw the twin volcanos Illiniza. Along with some of the guys I want to climb Illiniza's southern peak sometime. The northern peak is much more technical. As we came around Ruminahua volcano (no snow) we got a gorgeous view of Cotopaxi up close. We regularly see this beautiful cone-shaped volcano from Quito. As we crossed over the ridge line that divides the provinces of Pichincha and Cotopaxi, we were able to see, far to the south, Chimborazo volcano. To the left of the highway and far to the south we could also make out the cone-shaped peak of Tungurahua volcano and, behind it, El Altar volcano. Ecuador is such a beautiful country with so much to explore in such as small area. I guess that explains why we are such an attraction to tourist.

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