We had a great Thanksgiving Day with our family in North Carolina! This year the same crowd gathered at the home of our niece in the northern part of Winston-Salem for our meal. It was great to see everyone again, particularly those we don't see except for at celebrations like this. As usual I had planned a little geocaching in our return trip. We cut through the country on some lesser-used roads instead of taking the Interstate highway coming back home. We had one of our daughters and her husband with me and sumajhuarmi so it gave us eight pairs of eyes as we searched out geocaches along the way.
Table decorations |
Time to Reflect |
Our first cache along the road to Walkertown was
Time to Reflect (GC4KCPG). We found an easy pull off and started our search. We looked in the most obvious places before sumajhuarmi found the cache in the last obvious place to look. In other words, we
sumajhuarmi making all the finds! |
were off. We signed the log and headed on down the road. Being Thanksgiving all the businesses were closed near the caches we looked for so we had little or no muggle activity around us.
Well camouflaged |
The next cache was
Walkertown Mountain View (GC3WTDB), a pretty easy roadside cache. We pulled off on a gravel road and started our search in the cedar tree. This cache was well camouflaged and evaded us for a time. Finally sumajhuarmi came up with the cache. She liked it best of all the ones we found today.
Another cache that took up too much of our time was
Botanical Cache (GC2RN30). It was in downtown Kernersville. We stopped into the public parking space in this beautiful Botanical Garden. There
rubialoca and her husband |
was no one around, the sun was shining and it was a gorgeous, cool afternoon. We tracked to the GZ and began our search for this nano on a black wrought iron fence. There were vines growing on the fence. Even though we felt we were in the right place, we couldn't find the cache. It was one of those searches where you are almost sure it is there and that the problem isn't with the hide but with the finders. We simply couldn't find it.
Going, going, gone (GC44BTH) brought us to the Triad park in Colfax. There are some great caches in the woods of this park. I've already found them so it was nice to duck in and find a newer one in the ball field area. We weaved our way back into the corner of the abandoned parking lot closest to the GZ and then set out on foot. Again, sumajhuarmi spotted the cache first. It was a nice small cache hidden in a piece of woods near the ball field.
There were several more caches, one being a cache on a sign to another Baseball Complex, which proved to be a challenge to us. We searched and searched but couldn't come up with it. Some of the park maintenance people came along and thought we were having problems. I explained what we were doing. The blank facial expression made it clear that they'd never heard of geocaching. They were kind and wished us well in the search. It was getting dark and getting time to get on home so we left this one for a more thorough search another day and came on home.
Thanksgiving and caching, food and fun! I hope that you had a great Thanksgiving 2013!
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