Oak Hollow Lake Marina |
We've been blessed with the opportunity to care for our third grandchild two days a week while mom and dad are working. Since we have some time to do that we are happy to spend time with littleman2010. That's right, he's 2.5 years old but for over a year has been greeting me by asking if I've been geocaching and what I've found. I bring him little trade items I find in caches. Today sumajhuarmi and I loaded up the carseat (with him in it) and headed to the lake. His afternoon was filled with a picnic, the playground and a
Over the Hedge (GC46YK6) up, he was thrilled. At first he wanted everything in the box. When we explained
Going in! |
he could trade for one item he still wanted everything in the box but that he was going to share it with his little friends. When we explained it again he got the plastic lizard, palmed it in his left hand and picked up the Spong Bob toy, moved it to his left hand with the plastic lizard and took the key chain. It took him a while to accept the idea that he could only take one item. Spong Bob won out, we signed the log and off we went to the swing set. I'm pleased that his first taste of geocaching was fun. This was an easy one with absolutely no trekking, no bushwhacking, no pain. He's still too young for the trail but now he has experienced geocaching. Will he want to accompany me a year or two from now? I hope so!
I did it! |
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