I like Groundspeaks' new cache rating system for favorite caches. It gives a chance to go after the best caches in an area first or to focus in on them if you only have time for a few. It's up to part of the geocaching community to rate these. Geocachers can give out "favorite" ratings or take them away. A geocacher gets so many "favorite" points that can be awared based on the number of caches he has found. The only part of this I don't like is that the only ones that can rate the caches are those that pay for it through the premium membership option. The "common" member who is not a premium member is left in a second class position. Nonetheless, we do get to benefit from the ratings of those who pay to play. I'm fortunate enough at the time of this writing to have several with favorite ratings: First was Metro Park SE (GC15JCC), a well-hidden cache in Metropolitan Park in Quito. Karen's Caper (GC182AC) and Brandon's TB Boarding House (GC1K4MD), geocaches in Quito's Metropolitan Park. These are both TB hotels located near the park entrance. Then there's Entry to Mordor (GC1PTW0) which is also located in the same park. It is in a strange place where you find yourself going up an old creek bed that only runs in rainy season. It is overgrown above and therefore dark and spooky. In the Ancash Department of Peru there is Llanganuco (GC1QPKE), two lakes nestled between high mountains in the White Mountain range possibly nominated because it is at such a beautiful location. By like sign Get on Your High Horse (GC1TTFN) is located high above Quito at the Teliferico grounds. Back in Metropolitan Park is the tricky trails of In Favor of Freedom (GC1VF26). MTMAN2 Surveys His Work (GC23Z9P) employs some trickery and is in the Metropolitan Park. Finally Between Huts (GC2FWBX) takes you up above the first refuge hut on Chimborazo Volcano. It's great to have nine caches listed as favorites! I hope you'll go looking for them. These pictures depict some of the places you'll go to find these favorites.